It started when I favorited a tweet in February in which a request was being made for some help updating a JavaScript book. I had recently spent some time contributing to a jQuery Mobile book and wanted to continue writing. Shortly after I contacted Louise (my editor) and it turns out that they had already found someone to update the book…..
It turns out that Louise had some plans for a Node.js Recipes book, which I thought would be spectacular so I set to work writing an outline and proposal for the book.
After a few weeks I had the proposal in hand, sent it to the publisher and it was approved. This is where things get crazy, because I now had to write the twelve chapters I’d outlined and I had less than two weeks to write each one if I was to make my deadline.
This crazy schedule, while good at keeping me on task, was not great at keeping me rested and stress free. There were many late nights and long weekends where I was not able to spend quality time with my family or friends. I am grateful that they allowed me time to research and write, because I was able to create a book which I feel will be a useful tool for any developer who wants to learn more about Node.js. It will give readers a glimpse of what goes on in Node.js not only in the Core, but also in the third-party modules that have helped to create the robust Node.js ecosystem.
If you are interested in getting to know Node.js better, or if you would just like to buy an amazing book for your coffee table or library, please buy the book.